Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mother Most Chaste


(1) MARY, you are the Mother Most Chaste because there has never been a saint who loved chastity as you did. When the angel appeared and called you blessed among women, you were frightened. His message of the divine motherhood confused you, because you ardently longed for the happiness of virginity. Filled with wonder, you replied, "How shall this happen, since I do not know man?" Not for one moment did you think of accepting an honor which you must purchase at the sacrifice of your virginity, till the angel made known to you how you could become a Mother without ceasing to be a virgin. "The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee; and therefore the Holy One to be born shall be called the Son of God" (Luke 1,35). How highly you esteemed virginal chastity, preferring it even to the dignity of being the Mother of God!

(2) MARY, you were most careful to preserve chastity. Knowing well that this tender virtue could fade in worldly soil, you withdrew into solitude as much as you could. You were kneeling in prayer when the angel came with his message. While other virgins enter the state of matrimony to become mothers, you were married to Joseph in order the more securely to remain a virgin. You placed yourself under his protection that you might avert the dangers which might threaten your virginity from the outside world.

Though you were free from all evil desires of the flesh and had no fear of temptation, yet you watched over all your thoughts and every emotion of your heart with the greatest care. Living upon earth like an angel in the flesh, you must have been continually occupied in loving God with all your heart.

(3) MARY, you love chaste souls as your dearest children. You take them under your special protection and are most happy to assist them with your prayers. You rejoiced when you received the innocent John as your son, and you were a protection and a model to him as long as you lived upon earth.

You show your love and goodness to all, yet your loving heart reaches out with special tenderness to youths, because they are most in need of your motherly care in their struggle to preserve holy purity, which is tried most in that stage of their life.

Mother Most Chaste, keep my body pure and my soul holy. Let me imitate your example by avoiding bad company and every occasion of sin that may endanger holy purity. I wish to recommend myself daily to your intercession, especially when temptation strikes. With your help I shall be victorious. Make me pure that I may serve God more faithfully in my state of life, die more peacefully, and attain the glory prepared for the virgins in heaven "who follow the Lamb wherever He goes."


O Lord, we beg You to grant us the grace of true humility through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. At the same time take from our hearts the desires of the flesh and the eyes, so that, living wisely, justly and piously, we may obtain eternal rewards. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Feast of the Humility of Mary, July 17)